Features and Benefits
The unit is manufactured from tough, UV-stabilised, non-corrosive polyethylene.
It can be installed on top of a floor or cast into a concrete slab. View our Installation Instructions.
The Dump-Ezy is designed to comply with AS/NZS 3500.2.2-1996 and has WaterMark certification to ATS5200.482, certificate number WMKT21102.
In its simple form, the unit allows for direct discharge to sewer. There are bolt-on options for pre-treatment of the portable toilet chemicals. This can be done by capturing and inoculating the waste in a holding or septic tank prior to entry into an on-site system or the council sewage stream. Please consult your local distributor for further information.
This Dump-Ezy unit is not a treatment system. It is only the front end of a process and needs to be installed in front of an appropriate holding tank, septic tank or other treatment process.
Dump-Ezy Classic Product Dimensions
Dump-Ezy Classic Specifiers Data Sheet